Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Swirly Goodness

Ohhh how I crave a big cup of pinkberry with strawberries, kiwis, and fruity pebbles. I refuse to leave LA before satisfying my craving.

I never knew how incapable I am of just sitting still. This is the first day since being home that I have spent laying around watching TV and sitting in front of my laptop. I've been on facebook an ungodly amount of times in the past few hours and watched some of the most mindless television I have ever encountered. My head hurts from laying here for so long. I would get up, but there's nothing to do.

I went to the social security office today with my mom to get my card replaced. That place is like the 9th circle of hell. It's running a close second to the DMV. Then I had dim sum (yum!) and played piano for over an hour. I wish I had a keyboard back in Amherst!

Tomorrow I am heading over to Hollywood to meet up with Mr. Ryan Dunn. I have a feeling something may go wrong, but here's to trying. Now, back to The Simpsons and Nick Diamonds.

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