Tuesday, May 27, 2008

LP3 in arm's way

I find that these days, it's very rare for me to get in to any new music. I feel bad saying it, but I've lost faith in a lot of bands that I used to love because all I hear these days is utter shit. I'm almost scared to listen to new albums of my favorite bands in fear that they will live up to the new trend of sucking that seems to be going on recently. Fortunately for me (and for you!), this isn't the case with Islands' new album Arm's Way & Ratatat's LP3. Out of all the new albums I have heard in the recent past, I can honestly say that they are the best I have heard in a long time. Both give me that feeling in the pit of my stomach that only happens when I hear a song that makes the corners of my lips curl into a smile. Having been obsessed with Return to Sea and Classics at one point or another, LP3 and Arm's Way live up to my expectations and more. They are both so different from the previous albums, but still stay true to the sound that made me fall in love with them in the first place.

Personal favorites off LP3: Falcon Jab, Mirando, Imperials, and Shempi (my #1 favorite)
Personal favorites off Arm's Way: Pieces of You, To A Bond, Creeper, Kids Don't Know Shit, and Vertigo (If It's A Crime). Actually, the whole damn album is great.

Hurrah! Get the leak.

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