Friday, September 5, 2008


Y'know, it's strange.

I don't think I've ever had my life so together. I am incredibly focused in school right now, I have a steady job, and I am on my way to going abroad to Italy in just a few months. I did everything I wanted to do this summer and yet... I don't think that I've felt this alone in a really long time. It seems like nothing ever does it for me anymore. I feel like I have nothing, nobody I can really trust, nobody I really care for at all. There is never any consistency in my life & I always just feel so stuck. I went to go see my therapist today and he told me that he was very proud of me and that I really have grown up and matured since he first met me. Although that was good to hear, I had to ask him, "...then why do I still feel so empty and sad inside?" I guess you can't have everything.

With that said, old habits always seem to have a way of creeping up on me again.